The work of Human Resource Management Pervades the entire organisation. Human Resource Management is a set of activities focussing on the effective use of human resources in an organisation. It encompasses the activities of recruietment,selection,training,developement,wage and salary administration,health and safety ,benefits and services,union-management,relations,motivation,morale,communication so on .Thus Human Resources Management is that part of management which is related with management of workers and employes .It is that part of management which arranges for the satisfactory management of employees of an enterprise.Human Resource Management is the process of achieving the best fit between individuals,job,organisation and the environment. It defines the relationship between employer,employee and employee and employee.
Some eminant aythors have defined the term Human Resource Management undre : Edwin B.Flippo
" The personal Function is concerned with the procurement,Developement,Compensation integration and maintainance of the personnel of an organisation for the purpose of contributing towards accomplishment of organistaional goals and objectives. Therefore personnel management is planning ,Organising,directing and controlling the operative functions.
Michel J.Jucius Defines " HR Management as the field of Managemente which has to do with planning organising ,directing and controlling the functions procuring,developing,maintaing and utilising the work force."
Dale Yolder defined Personnel Management as the phase of management which deals with the effective control, and use of man power as distingushed from other sources of power. The methods,tools and techniques and utilised to secure the enthusiastic participation of labour to represent the subject matter for study in personnel Administration."
In the words of Brech,"Personnel Management is that part of the management progress which is primarly concerned with the human constituents of the organistation ".
Some eminant aythors have defined the term Human Resource Management undre : Edwin B.Flippo
" The personal Function is concerned with the procurement,Developement,Compensation integration and maintainance of the personnel of an organisation for the purpose of contributing towards accomplishment of organistaional goals and objectives. Therefore personnel management is planning ,Organising,directing and controlling the operative functions.
Michel J.Jucius Defines " HR Management as the field of Managemente which has to do with planning organising ,directing and controlling the functions procuring,developing,maintaing and utilising the work force."
Dale Yolder defined Personnel Management as the phase of management which deals with the effective control, and use of man power as distingushed from other sources of power. The methods,tools and techniques and utilised to secure the enthusiastic participation of labour to represent the subject matter for study in personnel Administration."
In the words of Brech,"Personnel Management is that part of the management progress which is primarly concerned with the human constituents of the organistation ".
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