In the discipline of the philosophy of management of the projects, the management of human resources is considered as the element of single node and a its significance. The management of the projects providing of the solutions of personnel must incorporate the suitable interior thinking to produce strong firm results.
The management of human resources is the process to now control people of the project with the human approach, which means the people of use and spreading, developing and using their qualifications, and compensating for their deliveries, and to direct their forces towards a goal of project.
In a project, the human labour remains the energy of core, pushing the edge of project to the maximum for the realization of object.
Philosophy of the personnel
The personnel includes the practice to recruit, choose, and to establish labour for a project, and to put fire to them even when they are not necessary any more. The project planning identifies the need for personnel of project and once the needs are then given the process is placed to meet them.
Recruitment is the process to identify the sources of the potential employees and to encourage them to make application form for work. The goal is to recruit qualified candidates enough so that the desired people are selected; in short, the process recruiter discovers the potential candidates with the capacity and the attitude for vacant posts real or envisaged project.
As in the strongly complex and competing scenarios of today, the choice to choose the good person for the good task has implications of great scale; therefore, it is the process to attract more candidates with the project, in order to choose the most suitable candidate who can help and serve the project to achieve his goals.
The choice is an immediate process which starts after recruitment, where the qualified personnel can be selected applications; in short, it is the process to choose the most likely candidate of these individuals who can carry out the task of project successfully.
The placement is a process of establishment of the ideal candidates in their respective positions and to determine their part in the project for which accepted.
Socialization is a process of adjustment for the new employees; returning to the current environments not very familiar of the project, environments, colleagues and new responsibilities for work. Socialization strongly influences the execution of the employees for the stability of project.
Human resources of motivation
Project the management of human resources is the effective use of human resources in order to increase the implementation of project and to justify very implied towards goals of project; it is a primary action which should be followed. The motivation of limit was form derived the reason from word, which means to recommend it to do or not to do something. It is an internal force which directs labour to act in a particular way to satisfy a particular need.
The motivation is behavior directed by goal, and it goal is to achieve the goals of project.
However, the concept of the motivation is mainly a psychological factor and refers to these forces functioning at the individual employee; what push it to act or not to act in certain manners.
In the management of the projects providing of the solutions of personnel there be much of theories which were derived by experts and among them three excellent advanced theories:
1. The hierarchy of Maslow of the theory of the need - Abraham Maslow
2. Theory of the Motivation-Hygine of Herzberg of motivation - Frederick Herzberg
3. The theory of McGregor of X and Y - McGregor
These exceptional theories are scientifically proven and considered the measuring tools principal human resources.
The motivation is an important force behind the execution of the employees in the project and is directly associated with the implementation of project.
Evaluation of execution and management of reward
Goals of project can be reached when people or labour put in their best efforts; how to secure their executions on a given work? The answer to this is evaluation of execution.
The evaluation of execution is the process of the systematic evaluation of the individual or the group with regard to their execution with work and of their potential for the development.
The management of reward is conceiving, applying, and maintaining a system of wages that the assistances to improve the execution of project in the cost of constrained project. However, a reward is to motivate the people for what they do and what they can make, in and for the project. The most obvious personnel of rewards can obtain work is his wages; however the rewards also include promotions, desirable tasks of work, the reorganization, and a host centre for less obvious profits there.
In short, the personnel of project involves the productive use of the people by carrying out an assigned effort of project.
The human ones are the labour, the labour which activates other resources in the existence of any project. Human labour is neither a product nor a resource like the power tools; neither their capacity can be defined nor it can be exactly measured by any material apparatus. The capacity of human labour must be snuffed like capital, and its creativity should be strongly privileged.
A successful project inevitably requires the management of adapted human resources and the management of the projects providing of the solutions of personnel.
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